PART™ Training has been provided across Australia since 1989. This is an accredited course designed to train staff to manage difficult and aggressive situations involving students while still maintaining duty of care. PART™ Training is designed to assist staff to identify and respond confidently, using a range of techniques, to student aggressive behaviour. The PART™ Training philosophy is to provide a range of responses that are safe, ethical, meets legal and industry standards, and enables schools and staff to meet their duty of care responsibilities towards students. It is widely used by many education and health systems throughout Australia, including the Western Australian Department of Education and Training, Independent and Catholic education systems.
The course has been recommended by WorkCover to organisations to be pro-active in the prevention and management of client challenging behaviours and aggression. It also assists organisations to meet the OH&S and Safe Workplace legislation requirements and reduce workplace injuries and associated costs resulting from client aggression. PART™ Training has been mapped against a range of Units of Competency in behaviour management. Participants who successfully complete the PART™ Training course are eligible to apply for accreditation or recognition of prior learning (RPL) through their education institution or Workplace Training Assessor.
Who should attend?
This course is ideal for schools, teachers, education assistants and other working with students who have behaviour that is aggressive or difficult to manage. A team of at least two staff (one from leadership recommended), who will become the school’s primary support group when developing policy and working with community members whose behaviour may be aggressive.
Due to the nature of this course, numbers are strictly limited. Participants should wear loose casual clothing and runners.
Staff will learn:
Assessing and understanding student needs and utilising positive behaviour supports.
Preparation of staff and the environment.
Identification of triggers.
Use of verbal de-escalation techniques, evasive techniques and exiting strategies.
Process debriefing to review staff decisions and actions, consider impact on the client and identify improvements for future service to clients and protection of staff.
The importance of workplace systems and procedures in the identification and management of client aggression.
How student needs drive behaviour which may sometimes result in aggression.
Prevention of aggression through preparation of self and the environment
Legal factors to consider when responding to client aggression.
How to predict student aggression using the Assault Cycle.
Restraint — definition, legal, ethical, technical and impact considerations and techniques.
Post incident procedures — documentation, process debriefing and skills evaluation
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Strategies for this course are available here.
Contact if you have previously completed a one, two or three-day PART course and would like refresher training.
If you have questions about a specific PART course, contact Michelle Bishop at or on 0407 198 786.
$325 per person or $3,575 for a group of 11. Morning tea, lunch and resource booklets are provided. For a group of 12 – 20, please email us to request a quote.
To book in your school, email