Growth Coaching
Sign-in to the member area to access all resources and links
Your Growth Coaching package includes:
Twice per term - 1.5 hour coaching sessions with you or your team (online or in person depending on location)
Once per term - 1 interactive online PL webinar with other Growth Coaching Community members to network, and share strategies and ideas
Exclusive access to online video content, resources, online group networking and message contact with your Growth Coach.
15% discount to attend all Growing Up Greatness professional learning events
New to Growth Coaching?
Click HERE for more details and to register.
Gifted & Talented PL Series
Sign-in to the member area to access all resources and links.
- Eight professional learning modules (seven compulsory and one elective), each approximately 2 hours in length (including video content, workbook and 1 hour webinar)
- Videos from the whole series to watch and review at any time during the calendar year you are registered.
- Exclusive access to additional resources, research articles and prompts to guide your practice.
- Access to online group networking
- Modules can be done in any order over a twelve month period, so you can register at any time.
Haven’t registered for this PL Series yet? Click HERE for more details and to register.