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Tools for Differentiation: Writing and using rubrics for meaningful feedback

Please note the time is AWST.

There are many tools that are part of a teacher's suite of strategies that allow them to differentiate for diverse-ability students in the classroom. Rubrics are one key strategy that when designed and used well, can free teachers up to better differentiate, to come away from relying solely on common assessment, make learning visible to students and offer meaningful feedback. This online workshop will explore the ingredients of a well-designed rubric (as opposed to a marking key), and discuss ways rubrics can be used with students and colleagues to improve differentiated practice, both within a class and across a year group. Participants are encouraged to have with them an assessment task that needs a rubric, or an existing rubric they would like to work on and improve. While rubrics are not appropriate for all types of assessment, come along to find out how you can add rubrics to your differentiation tool-kit, and make sure the rubrics you are already using are measuring what you intended them to measure.


For more information please contact or call 0432 179 629.


$65 per person or $290 for a group of 5.