PL Idea Bank
Any of these PL topics can be conducted in-person or online and tailored to your school context.
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented Online Professional Learning Series
Designing Learning Experiences for Gifted and Talented Students
Designing Assessment Tasks for Advanced/Extension Classes
Differentiating the Curriculum for Gifted and Talented Students
Key Ingredients for Gifted Education
Educating the Gifted and Talented (3 Day Course)
Educating the Gifted and Talented (2 Day Course for GAT Schools)
How is a great question like chocolate ice cream? (Teaching High Order Thinking & Inquiry Skills)
Becoming a detective: Searching for and identifying the gifted students at your school
Gifted and Talented Education: Moving from the Basics to Excellence
Catering for 2E (Twice-Exceptional) Students in the Classroom
Understanding Acceleration for Gifted and Talented Students
Differentiation/Teaching and Learning
Writing Effective Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Using Pre and Formative Assessment to inform Differentiated Practice
The Big Picture of Successful School-Wide Differentiation (for School Leaders)
Differentiation (3 day course)
Differentiating the Curriculum for Students of All Abilities
Understanding and Responding to Student Behaviour
Using questioning and HOTS in the classroom
Differentiating the English curriculum for diverse-ability students
Differentiating the Maths curriculum for diverse-ability students
Keys to Differentiation: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)