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Becoming a detective: Searching for and identifying the gifted students at your school - ONLINE event

  • ONLINE Details will be emailed closer to the event (map)

This professional learning is aimed at teachers of Years 2-9, deputies and staff responsible for identifying G&T students.

So many of our gifted students are hiding in classrooms, either underperforming, underachieving or opting out of schoolwork due to boredom, frustration or hidden disability. This online workshop will explore how to identify gifted students (Years 2-9) in your school using characteristics, available data and off-level testing. The aims of this workshop are:

  • To better understand the data you are currently collecting

  • To improve your capacity to identify gifted students through their behaviours and characteristics; and

  • To learn more about alternative assessment options, including off-level testing.


Contact Kylie Bice at or 0432 179 629 if you have questions about this event.


$45 per person or $190 for a group of five. Afternoon tea provided. Contact us for a quote for groups of more than 10.

Later Event: March 8
Gifted in the Early Years